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Senin, 30 Mei 2011


    oh my god..... 80' style... ( cute )
 COOL............ :)

thank YOU...... :)

anyone want to be my boyfriend? surely the answer is: I'M NOT AND NEVER WILL !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmmmm ... actually, I know why, I certainly would not have a boyfriend ..... because I'm ugly, do not nobody likes, and not anyone ever like me ..... but ... I will try ........ to be so like the others, who much preferred ..... I'm sure, I'd be like them ... perhaps, this is still my way .... but the future can be changed right? so I want to change my future .... for the better ....


Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

REPLY TO : lala

sorry gara-gara aku baju kesayanganmu harus dibuang,aku tau,kamu beli itu bukan di indonesia. baju itu akan aku ganti, berapapun harganya akan aku ganti. akan aku usahain ganti baju itu. soal aku belum liat blog mu,itu aku post sebelum kamu post I really really want to invite you.aku seneng di pestamu. cuma omongan ( aku gak mau ekspos nama mereka ) bilang sebenarnya aku gak diundang di pestamu.jadi, aku post itu karena aku gak tau kalau kamu gk bohong.aku kira kamu bohong . sekali lagi, I'M SORRY LALA



cry. surely anyone who has ever cried. There is not never been weeping. even so there are definitely people that lie. famous people, powerful people, would never cry. not just a weak man who never cried .... if someone said that only babies are crying, that person must also never cried.
  remember, crying does not mean we crybaby, we are weak, is not it!
tears can happen because we are sad, carry emotions, even if we are too happy, we can also weep. right?

so .... if there are people who say "just a cry baby"
or "the weak who cry"
or "I am strong, I never crying"

Do not ever believe what they said. because, anyone who has ever cried ..... : '(

For safira ( fira swift )

 is that fira's style??

For lala :)

AAAAAAA!!!! cute DRESS!!!

LOOK! i love it!

is that wedges or heels??